Augmented Reality avatar on a web page

Augmented reality on the web is happening and it’s becoming easier to create! Below you will find a small test of an avatar model I created online and included in this post. The avatar can be viewed in your environment on ARCore and ARKit enabled devices. avatar

I used to create a 3D personal avatar of me. On that website you can use a selfie to create a 3D model that resembles the your image. Afterwards you can make adjustments to its choices. And finally you can download the generated model as a .glb file.
A .glb file is the binary version of a glTF file. glTF is a specification for the efficient transmission and loading of 3D scenes and models by applications.

Google modelviewer

I used Google’s modelviewer to embed the the glb model file in the webpage below and enabled AR viewing.

Here’s the source of the snippet I used:

<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script nomodule src=""></script>
<model-viewer src="avatar.glb" ios-src="avatar.usdz" ar ar-modes="webxr scene-viewer quick-look fallback" ar-scale="auto" alt=" avatar" auto-rotate camera-controls></model-viewer>

If AR mode is available this button will be visible in the bottom right corner. Depending on which mode is available on your device you will go into AR or open a model viewer.

Here’s the result of running it on an Android phone with ARCore support.

Universal Scene Description

Running the demo on an iPad was a bit more work than I anticipated. Apple only supports the use of models in the .usdz format (Pixar’s Universal Scene Description) As you can see in the modelviewer declaration above there is a separate ios-src for use on iOS devices.

I could not find a simple tool (running on Windows) to convert the .glb to .usdz. There seem to be better solutions on iOS.
I finally found a solution by importing the .glb in Blender, saving a .blend file, importing the .blend file into Unity and finally exporting the model to .usdz.